
dnssec-settime — Set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key


dnssec-settime [-f] [-K directory] [-P date/offset] [-A date/offset] [-R date/offset] [-I date/offset] [-D date/offset] [-h] [-v level] [-E engine] {keyfile}


dnssec-settime reads a DNSSEC private key file and sets the key timing metadata as specified by the -P, -A, -R, -I, and -D options. The metadata can then be used by dnssec-signzone or other signing software to determine when a key is to be published, whether it should be used for signing a zone, etc.

If none of these options is set on the command line, then dnssec-settime simply prints the key timing metadata already stored in the key.

When key metadata fields are changed, both files of a key pair (Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.key and Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.private) are regenerated. Metadata fields are stored in the private file. A human-readable description of the metadata is also placed in comments in the key file.



Force an update of an old-format key with no metadata fields. Without this option, dnssec-settime will fail when attempting to update a legacy key. With this option, the key will be recreated in the new format, but with the original key data retained. The key's creation date will be set to the present time.

-K directory

Sets the directory in which the key files are to reside.


Emit usage message and exit.

-v level

Sets the debugging level.

-E engine

Use the given OpenSSL engine. When compiled with PKCS#11 support it defaults to pkcs11; the empty name resets it to no engine.


Dates can be expressed in the format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If the argument begins with a '+' or '-', it is interpreted as an offset from the present time. For convenience, if such an offset is followed by one of the suffixes 'y', 'mo', 'w', 'd', 'h', or 'mi', then the offset is computed in years (defined as 365 24-hour days, ignoring leap years), months (defined as 30 24-hour days), weeks, days, hours, or minutes, respectively. Without a suffix, the offset is computed in seconds. To unset a date, use 'none'.

-P date/offset

Sets the date on which a key is to be published to the zone. After that date, the key will be included in the zone but will not be used to sign it.

-A date/offset

Sets the date on which the key is to be activated. After that date, the key will be included in the zone and used to sign it.

-R date/offset

Sets the date on which the key is to be revoked. After that date, the key will be flagged as revoked. It will be included in the zone and will be used to sign it.

-I date/offset

Sets the date on which the key is to be retired. After that date, the key will still be included in the zone, but it will not be used to sign it.

-D date/offset

Sets the date on which the key is to be deleted. After that date, the key will no longer be included in the zone. (It may remain in the key repository, however.)


dnssec-settime can also be used to print the timing metadata associated with a key.


Print times in UNIX epoch format.

-p C/P/A/R/I/D/all

Print a specific metadata value or set of metadata values. The -p option may be followed by one or more of the following letters to indicate which value or values to print: C for the creation date, P for the publication date, A for the activation date, R for the revocation date, I for the inactivation date, or D for the deletion date. To print all of the metadata, use -p all.


dnssec-keygen(8), dnssec-signzone(8), BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual, RFC 5011.


Internet Systems Consortium